The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI derived unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. It is equal to one lumen per square meter.
The digital lux meter can measure up to 50,000 lux, approximately 5,000 footcandles. It's used for checking the level of luminescence, luminescence is a measure of the amount of light falling on a surface. It is defined as: 'the density of the luminous flux incident on a surface'.
Digital Lux Meter: Accurate & Free app measures the light intensity in two units: lux and fc (foot-candle).
1 foot-candle = 10.764 lux.
- Free to install.
- High accuracy light measurement tool.
- Lux and Foot-candle units.
- Minimum, average and maximum brightness possible on surface is measured and displayed.
- Store the measurement results via the sore option.
- Manually provide the surface name.
- Recall the previous measurements.
- Share, Rename or delete the recorded measurements.
- Calibrate the measurements with easy controls.
- Accurate algorithms to measure light intensity.
- Minimalist GUI.
- Ensures efficient use of device memory.
- Improved reliability.
- Mobile-based light intensity measuring tool.
- In-built light sensor to determine luminescence.
- Accurate and high-configuration light sensors.
- Lightweight application.
- Compatible with almost all screen resolutions of mobile and tablet devices.
Get the correct and accurate estimate of the intensity of light on surface instantly via the Digital Lux Meter: Accurate & Free app!
Install the Digital Lux Meter: Accurate & Free app soon!!